Motion Graphic (Presentation)

Theme & Treatment

Racism is usually defined as views, practices and actions reflecting the belief that humanity is divided into distinct biological groups calledraces and that members of a certain race share certain attributes which make that group as a whole less desirable, more desirable, inferior or superior.

Negative Impact:
Racism does not harm only the people hated. The person doing the hating is also harmed. Holding onto irrational fears and refusing to look at other ways of thinking locks you into a rigid thought habit which keeps you from using your full potential. Hating is also harmful to your body. It can cause increased blood pressure, anxiety, heart problems, and digestive system upset.

Positive Impact:
Anti-racism includes beliefs, actions, movements, and policies adopted or developed to oppose racism. In general, it promotes an egalitarian society in which people are not discriminated against in race. Movements such as the African-American Civil Rights Movement and the Anti-Apartheid Movement were examples of anti-racist movements. Nonviolent resistance is sometimes an element of anti-racial movements, although this was not always the case. Hate crime laws and affirmative action are also examples of government policy designed to suppress racism.

Abstract/Interpretive Analysis

 At first, I will show three different races with gap in between them, and all of them hate each other because they have different skin color. They start to fight against each other, saying harm word. And children will follow their role model which is their parents, they start to ask their friends who is same race with them, boycott others race kids.People realize that racism brings hurt and harm, so they start to have anti-racism. In the end, I will show how peaceful the world is without racism. 

Subject Matter:



In this project, im using Constructivism  as my Visual Style because it has interesting transition and layout.

I apply Tretradic Color Scheme in my project, to make sure my object looks sharp and loud, to represent a very strong anti racism feeling, and also giving each of the object a right character.


Color (storyboard)

Shape:Circle / Rectangle / Line / Raindrop

Value: Loud, Positive, Educate
Colors: Orange, Blue, Green etc.
Alignment and proportion: centre /tile


Hierarchy : heavy 

Balance: Attention evenly
Scale: focus, contrast typo and graphic, transition
Similarity: Same graphic style, same color matching, same mood

1- First, showing negative of racism, bully, fighting, arguing.
2- Then, people feels upset and hope to have a peaceful world
3- Trying to anti-racism
4- A peaceful world when everyone stop racism

Chocolate is the figure and the color and typo is the background



Im using AI (illustrator) to create my character.

After Effect ( to create animation)

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